PTTLink is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol. PTTLink runs on a dedicated computer (including the Rasperry Pi) that you host at your home, radio site or computer center. It is based on the GPL Licesed and open source Asterisk PBX running our app_rpt application. App_rpt makes Asterisk a powerful system capable of controlling one or more radios. It provides linking of these radio "nodes" to other systems of similar construction anywhere in the world via VoIP.
PTTLink's primary use is as a dedicated computer node wired to your repeater or radio. Connections from Echolink, other VoIP clients and telephone calls are suported
PTTLink has 247 users and 377 nodes.
A change to the AllStarLink, Inc. Board of Directors and supporting volunteers was done at a membership meeting on 14 February 2021. Official notice of this change has been sent to the former AllStarLink, Inc. Board of Directors and supporting volunteers.
You can read more about this here
Information regarding the current Board of Directors, Governors, bylaws, and meeting minutes can be found by following this link
Tells how and why PTTLink was formed and who PTTLink is.
Carta a la comunidad. El comó y por qué se formó PTTLink y quién es PTTLink.
The app_rpt-users email list has moved to
ASL is used on a "conventional" computer system (one with a hard drive, SSD, or Flash card) and involves a full installation of Debian GNU/Linux. The x86 version supports modern motherboards and hardware, unlike its predecessors (ACID, etc), and now there is support for the Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (other ARM platforms coming).
AllStarLink (ASL) Distribution for x86/AMD and Raspberry Pi systems